Industry Analyst Perception


NetApp is a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quandrant for Primary Storage. NetApp addresses a wide range of primary storage workloads across its storage arrays: AFF, FAS, SolidFire, E-Series, EF-Series and its Cloud Volumes ONTAP SDS offering. 

NetApp was also among this year’s top vendor solutions evaluated in the 2021 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Primary Storage across all use cases. In the Cloud IT Operations use case, the NetApp AFF A-Series family received the highest scores. 



NetApp’s interpretation for enabling unified, hybrid multi-cloud storage stands out. The company has emerged as a leader and outperformer in three recent GigaOm Radar reports:

GigaOm Data Storage for the Hybrid Multicloud Era:  Three Radars, One Leader 
GigaOm Radar for Cloud File Systems
GigaOm Radar for Enterprise Scale-Out File Systems 
GigaOm Radar for Primary Storage for Large Enterprises
GigaOm Radar for Cloud Management Platforms 



IDC Quick Take - Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, a new first-party file-based storage service based on ONTAP – the data platform from NetApp.

IDC Market Perspective -  NetApp's Public Cloud Services Portfolio Strategy and Evolution - Over the past four years, NetApp has focused on expanding its cloud services portfolio through both organic product development and acquisition enabling NetApp to deliver a host of new and expanded cloud infrastructure services. This document summarizes NetApp’s cloud service portfolio and strategy, highlighting how the vendor has established a portfolio of cloud storage services, and areas where NetApp is investing to drive growth over the long term.